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Toddler Sleep

5 Common Toddler Sleep Struggles & Solutions

When I speak with exhausted parents for the first time, it’s not uncommon for them to say to me, “I need help with my infant but I have a toddler too… it’s probably too late for them isn’t it?” They sound incredulous when I tell them it is certainly NOT too late…

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Crib to Bed Transition FAQs

The transition from crib to bed is a big move for both child & parent. Literally overnight, your child becomes a little less BABY and a little more BIG KID. I’ve put together some of the most frequently asked questions…

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Nightmares vs. Night Terrors

Nightmares and night terrors are a normal part of childhood. But most of the night, they are more frightening for the parent than they are for the child. Knowing the difference between these two phenomena is key to…

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Should I Give My Child Melatonin?

Melatonin has been touted to be a safe, natural way of helping people sleep better. In a lot of ways, this is very true, but there’s actually a whole lot more to understand about it before you start using it with your children.

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How to Stop Crib Climbing

If your toddler has turned into a crib-escape-artist, you might be wondering whether it’s time to transition them to a big-kid bed. Honestly, probs not. Unless your child is…

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How to Use a Toddler Clock

If you’re the parent of a toddler with sleep struggles, I highly recommend that you get yourself a toddler clock. Toddler clocks are a valuable sleep tool and provide very clear boundaries to your little one around when it is time for sleep and when it’s okay to get up.

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